CLIENT Medieinstitutet Malmö (2022)
WORK AREAS Visual identity, UX, copy writing, project management
SOFTWARE Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
TEAM MEMBERS Hugo Christoffersson, Frida Gartrup, Jenny Andersson
This team project circulated around a new visual identity and creation of a hotel-booking app. Besides working as a UX/UI designer I incorporated the role of a project manager to help design an interface that prioritizes spontaneity, ease of use, and personalization in the booking process.
The brief called for an app for effortless, spontaneous hotel booking worldwide. The main focus was therefore a very spontaneous and easy booking process. To achieve this, a team of me and 3 other UX/UI designers conducted extensive market research and interviews with frequent and occasional travelers to identify pain points in their customer journey. Because the brief required the easiest and most personalized booking-experience, we went through several product test phases until we reached the final result: A customer journey where filter preferences and search-optimization via map navigation is key.
With the customer journey set, I continued by designing the UX of our key frames. Meanwhile our team members Frida and Jenny worked on the research for the visual identity and graphic profile of the app.
The name of the app "Lovable Hotels" provided by our customers was crucial to the choice of color we made in order to give it a new visual identity. We opted for a warm, fun and self-confident identity which was as well applied to the tone of voice of the product.
After the visual identity was defined, we continued our design journey by appling the UI to the original wireframes. We also extended our work on the UX and added more screens due to the feedback of our customer interviews. See some examples of our key screens below.
While the visual identity was a team effort, I did the copy writing to all visible screens as well as the design for the products landing page. I very much enjoyed being involved in different positions in this project. Being able to work with both customer experience optimization, problem-solving, visualization and project management tickled my creativity and trained my skill set.
The final product